
Church becoming… Our Mission
…becoming an authentic community of faith marked by genuine love for each other, who go and be Jesus’ people engaging the world real world with Christ’s love.

We seek to accomplish our mission by limiting the “programs” we offer so that more time is available to “go and be” in our communities.  We believe that by living actively in our neighborhoods and genuinely befriending people around us, we bring church to them.  We gather in our small house churches, to develop our community and to build the foundation of love that marks us as disciples, and we are then sent from our gatherings into the world around us.

Specifically, we are active in five major areas – World Missions, Local Service, Benevolence, Church Planting and Children & Youth.  Each of these areas is led by one of our elders, with a budget of time and dollars committed to ensure that we remain focused outward.

Latent in every genuine follower of Jesus is the fullness of the image of God, the DNA to become the Church, the bride of Christ. We worship a God who as our Father, created us; who as the Son, became Immanuel, God with us, and is now our King; who as the Spirit dwells within us, God in us. By the presence of God in and among us, following Jesus our King on the way to our Father in heaven, we become the Church.

Church Becoming is a ragamuffin band of Jesus people who are on the Journey together, joining in the great movement that is emerging within and around thousands of “churches” gathering to become the Church. We believe and affirm all the historic creeds and trust the Bible as our guide. We aren’t “new,” and aren’t really that different from any other “church” of Jesus.

Our distinctives? First and foremost, we haven’t “arrived!” We don’t have a building, and don’t really want one. We don’t invite people to “come” to church, but invite people to “become” the Church. Our primary mission is to follow Jesus who is seeking and saving people whom He loves, and we get to love and care for those people and to try to become more like Jesus together with those He brings. We meet in homes and coffee shops, share our lives, study the Bible together, worship God. Once in awhile we gather in a larger group for fun, or to do something special, but our priority isn’t and hour on Sunday morning — it’s the other 167 hours each week.

We aren’t against anyone else’s way of doing church — we find richness in the liturgy and ritual of the ancient church; we appreciate the hymns, the desire for social justice of many other churches; we admire and enjoy the worship and drama, the excellence in the megachurches. We’re for all of the members of the Body of Christ. We’ve embedded in our culture a desire to regularly worship with other churches. What we are, is a people who need to discover how a church becomes, how to sail the uncharted waters and learn to live the faith together. Our hearts’ desire is to seek the King and see His Kingdom come among us.